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An Interview with Typography.

Posted by in Editorial, Typefamily on May/2024

Io sono la Tipografia. Manifesto was conceived and written in 2022 by Enrico Solfrini as a thesis in Communication and Design for Publishing at the Isia of Urbino (Italy); it has been produced in this revised version by Zetafonts following a special mention awarded in the Neologia competition (Graphic Days Torino). Not only a specimen for our typeface Evans, Io sono la Tipografia. Manifesto is an unconventional operation involving verb, typographic form, and graphics. In this interview, Zetafonts editor Dario Manzo speaks with author Enrico Solfrini about the thought process behind “Io sono la tipografia”:…read more

The Counterspaces – Typography in the Age of Black Swans

Posted by in Editorial, Trend Reports on May/2023

Zetafonts presents the new issue of the Type Trends lookbook series, titled The counterspaces (Typography in the Age of Black Swans). Curated by the Type Campus team, it is an exploration of the many contemporary counter-trends in the world of design and typography, that have arisen in response to the unpredictable events that have occurred in recent years.  The counterspaces – Typography in the Age of Black Swans presents the work and the thoughts of some of the most interesting and innovative creators and thinkers in the typographic field, and…read more

A beautiful mistake

Posted by in Editorial, Trip on Sep/2022

Cover image ©OFFF TLV 2022  In May 2022 we were contacted by Nitsan Rozenberg and Liri Argov, co-directors of OFFF TLV, the Tel Aviv branch of the worldwide famous OFFF Festival. They asked us to design the catalog for the forthcoming edition, and as soon as they mentioned the proposed theme “OFFF*UCK, celebrating mistakes“, we were immediately hooked. The idea behind the festival theme, created by Awesome studio and described in their “OFFF*UCK manifesto”, is that mistakes are an essential part of the creative process, and that we should embrace them…read more