
Must be the font licensed to me or to my client?

If I design a logo for a client, must be the font licensed to me or to the client?

When you sell a design work (a logo, a cover design, an illustration or a website) to a client, what you're selling are creation fees and usage rights for the finished design. The client buys from you these rights assuming you have used tools (software, images and fonts) you are licensed to use. You don't usually have to provide the client with those design tools (original images or typefaces you used) because he's not going to work with them. If the typeface is licensed to you as a designer, you'll be able to use it in all future projects and you can bill it to your client as expenses (as you would do with stock photos).

If the client wants to receive a copy the typeface (e.g. he wants to update/edit your design in the future), the license can be entitled to him. In this case, you're not allowed to use the typeface after client payment as the license is then transferred to him.

During the purchasing process of our website you can enter the name of the licensee that can be different from the person who buy the font.

We usually advices single designers to get a personal license for smaller works where the client doesn't require the typeface files, or add a personal license for the client use otherwise. Studios requiring multiple installations for them and their clients can buy adequate numbers of desktop licenses for them and for the client.

For other cases, where the client is going to require the typeface for internal distribution on larger scale, either multiple desktop licenses or a single Corporate buyout license are advised.

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