
01 Jun 2023

The Counter Spaces - Typography in the Age of Black Swans

Zetafonts presents the new issue of the Type Trends Lookbook series, titled The Counter Spaces (Typography in the Age of Black Swans). Curated by the Type Campus team, it is an exploration of the many contemporary counter-trends in the world of design and typography, that have arisen in response to the unpredictable events of recent years. Soon available on Amazon. Digital version is free to download.

The 2023 Type Trends Lookbook: an exploration of contemporary visual counter-trends as a response to the unpredictable events of recent years.

Presented as an international preview at the Offf Festival in Barcelona, the 2023 edition of the Type Trends Lookbook is now available: more than 400 pages of visual and typographic exploration curated by the TypeCampus team and sponsored by the Italian foundry Zetafonts

Since the release of the 2022 Type Trends, not much appears to have changed so much in the world of graphic and type design. A mix between artificial nostalgia, normcore brutalism and digital euphoria is still defining visuals. At the same time, the world has been impacted by many unexpected, highly improbable events. They are what sociologist Nassim Nicholas Taleb calls "Black Swans": wars, global pandemic, populism and hate fueled by social digital technologies, the rise of artificial intelligence and a global environmental crisis. In this current state of global confusion, the pursuit of trends seems trivial and irrelevant, merely a product of a capitalistic and production-oriented perspective. 

Soon available on Amazon. The digital version is free to download.



Type Trends Lookbook Vol 5 / 2023: The Counter Spaces - Typography in the Age of Black Swans / A project by Typecampus, sponsored by Zetafonts

Concept & Creative Direction: Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini

Art Direction & Editorial Design: Isabella Ahmadzadeh

Zetafonts Catalogue Graphi Design: Sofia Bandini

Texts by: Isabella Ahmadzadeh and Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini

Accounting & Production Management: Debora Manetti

All typefaces by Zetafonts Foundry (Francesco Canovaro, Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini, Andrea Tartarelli, Mario de Libero, Debora Manetti)

Brand names and trademarks are cited for illustrative purposes only, no affiliation on endorsement is intended.

No lazy dog was harmed in the making of the book.
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