
20 May 2021

Typographic trends, scenarios and styles in post-pandemic times

The 2021 Type Trends Lookbook is now available on, for free.


Florence, Italy / May 20, 2021

Realized by the Type Campus team and sponsored by Zetafonts, the Type Trends Lookbook 2021 is not only a detailed and useful explanation of the main tendencies in typography but also a collection of examples to inspire the readers, showing type at work in bridging cultural values and commercial effectiveness. Divided into four purposeful sections, the Type Trends Lookbook is created  to help designers choose the fonts they need for their projects

With more than 200 pages, this year includes an editorial introduction on trend analysis, led by the team of TypeCampus: a project focused on the culture of typography for designers, advertisers and type lovers. 



Discover the TypeCampus Academic Plan: 

An agreement, totally free-of-charge, offered by TypeCampus and Zetafonts exclusively to design and communication schools around the world

  • Know more about Stadio Now, Aldo Novarese and Coppa Stadio
    Stadio is a unedited typeface designed by Aldo Novarese in the 60s for the dry transfer company R41. With zetafonts it become a font family called Stadio Now, developed in 2 styles, for a total of 18 weights (including the original weight which will bear the name of Novarese) and a “variable” version;”

    Stadio Now
  • Get a look at our brand new type family, Arsenica

    The design of Arsenica takes its inspiration from italian poster design at the beginning of the century, a time where typography, lettering and illustration were closely interwoven. Dawning nationalist movements, rather than using the modernist language, pushed on traditional Old Style letterforms often imbued with Art Nouveau and Deco sensibility.

    Arsenica Type Family

It includes a session in which personalities from the type and the design scenario question the present and the future of typography: from Karin Fong (Imaginary Forces) to Ian Wilker (Karlsson-Wilker) and Bertram Shidt-Friderichs (Verlag Hermann Schmidt), Amber Weaver (FemmeType - Type01 Magazine) and Luc Devroye.

Why trends matter?

Trends, from fashion to design, are very powerful tools. But while on the one hand they allow us to carry out projects with a contemporary taste, on the other they can also represent a trap of homogenisation. Knowing the origins of trends, scenarios and themes that take shapes to "the visual of the moment" also helps designers to interpret a trend in a personal and tailor-made way, making it unique and relevant.

But in a world that is continuously and deeply changing in unpredictable ways, is it still possible to discuss and identify trends related to typography and graphic design?

“Despite the pandemic, brands didn’t stop communicating and had to face the new expectations of their consumers. Companies learnt to adapt their communication and tone of voice in the new panorama of social distancing, isolation and lockdowns.” - says Debora Manetti, co-partner and strategic manager at Zetafonts - “In this context, written and visual communication is playing a big role – and with it, graphic design and typography too. More than ever we are surrounded by visual content reaching people in the safety of their homes, conveying new brand propositions and soul comforts in the only way possible: digital.”

Analyzing this panorama, the Type Trends LookBook collects insights and concepts to help the design community understand better how these collective drivers inform design trends and visual styles. 

Thanks to the TypeCampus project, the trend book was distributed to hundreds of students from design schools who joined the academic plan, but it can be downloaded for free in its digital version – and a print-on-demand version will be soon available.



“What will the future look like after the pandemic? What new reality awaits us?” - says Isabella Ahmadzadeh, researcher and designer of the TypeCampus project - “After the surreal and unprecedented experience of a covid-19 influenced life, it’s easy to see longing for normality and balance as the main drive behind consumer expectations. However, the post-pandemic scenario will be a distinctly different ‘normal’ from the one we are all used to: we call this “the new normal”, the one we will adjust to.”


The Team: Francesco Canovaro, Debora Manetti, Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini, Isabella Ahmadzadeh, Veronica Iodice, Sofia Bandini, Shrishti Vajpai, Andrea Tartarelli, Mario De Libero, Manuel Alvaro.
debora AT
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